
>> Saturday, April 14, 2012

Hello World...

Summer is slowly fading away & winter is slowly paving its way here

I always love this seasonal transit...

Every day when walking back home from work the twilight welcomes me back home

How to describe this soothing moment & the magnificent colors of the twilight sky...

Time when sun & moon meet each other...

Time when the waking & sleeping day clash...

Time to end and begin another journey ahead…


Celebrating Freedom

>> Saturday, March 10, 2012

Hello World…
Tomorrow, the 12 March is the Independence Day of Mauritius…
Time to commemorate the struggle for liberty of our ancestors
Time to subsist the patriotism of our beloved motherland
Behind the façade of the national ceremonial conventions & protocols, this day is also the day to reflect on the symbolism of this day…

Our flag is made up of 4 color stripes
red symbolising the country's struggle for independence
blue being the color of our ocean &some say it’s the color of our sky
yellow standing for a bright future for Mauritius following its independence & some say it’s the color of our sand &sun
and green being the fauna & flore of the island
independence day3

for me it is the day where I am reminded why I do feel proud to be born on this small island lost in the Indian Ocean…known to some and unknown to so many….
Our beaches & flore & fauna
Being a tropical island gifted with some magnificent shores &lagoons, our island has always promoted this side of it…
But the ocean represents the ultimate escapade to Mauritian where the current wash away our stress & worries for some laughter & fun
The waves sprinkling us to a fresh & serene attitude
The endless horizon of the ocean around the island, reminding us that there are more journey & voyage to discover on the ocean of life…
Moving away from the holiday post card beaches, the other essences of the island can be perceived through its rich diversities:
independence day
People & culture
Mauritius is a multicultural community where you will find different religion community, culture and beliefs…
but the beauty in this that no matter one’s religion & ethnicity, we have found a way to live in peace irrespective of our so many differences…
Despite many controversies, I always feel proud of our unity & our ability to blend with each other so easily…
independence day2
Cuisine Benefitting from our rich cultural heritage, the local Creole cuisine will mirror this legacy…
a combination of east & west sparkled with colorful spices
Today the Island is now an established offshore platform for many countries wishing to transact with Africa & India with bourgeoning markets.

But we are a still a struggling nation where every day & night, so many people are fighting to have a better place to live
Tomorrow floating & branding the color of our flag high up in the sky, will be to reinstate the 4 symbolism of the Mauritian flag

Love in all its state….

>> Monday, February 13, 2012

☻♥ ☻
.||. . ||

Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind,

And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.

                                                                                        (A Midsummer Night's Dream - William Shakespeare)


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Hello World…

Love is a wordless feeling described in so many verses and painted in so many angles…

Still love remains infinite and wordless…

love… a feeling… look and search in our existence….

like a endless crescendo, love beats our journey with its different rhythms…

slow like the tender feeling of the first sweetest love

fast like the erupting desire of the burning passion

wild like the intense adrenaline of the love drug

for me Valentine day will be a day devoted to love…

day & time where we find and think about our loved ones…

day to celebrate love, passion and good feelings….

day where the world breathe in & out love

so be it a slow, fast or wild love
may the world always be colored with passion & love


✿♥‿♥✿ Happy Valentine Day my friend ✿♥‿♥✿


A New Vision…

>> Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hello World…

I thought I was gone astray in a dark tunnel where I thought that finding a ray of light would be impossible to detect…

But life is a strange journey…

Dwelling myself in a self gloominess, anger and frustration state was a vain alternative …
Nevertheless it was a self learning journey where I learned to always take the good and bad as a sole experience…

Going through this stage I have discovered and still learning so many things about myself & life ….

1) In life we should first rely on ourselves then extend our horizon to others

2) Our biggest strength reside in us both physically and mentally

3) Always give time to time

Though striving to be someone better each day, I have learned to forgo and discard of my selfishness and my ego….

I find out about the meaning of sharing and opening ones feelings to others…

I have learned to accept the dark side of people…that some people won’t ever change… they will always be surrounded by negativity full of hypocrisy, deceit & fakeness…

I no more want to be part of their negative aura and gossips…

I’m also missing my dearest friends so much… really miss their laughter, cheerfulness and themselves….

So this is my new vision ….
the light unveiled after so much darkness…


>> Saturday, January 14, 2012

Hello World....
ever feel that you are always misunderstood & left alone...
it’s how am feeling these days...
this feeling of loneliness ...
feeling of not being important to no one...
feeling that does not have no word to express & describe...
a void feeling that just leave you empty ....

2012….on your doorstep

>> Saturday, December 31, 2011

Hello World
My last post for 2011
2011 has been a great challenge for me personally and professionally
So if I have to summarize 2011 it would be

Rocking & thrilling
Met new people…learned so many things about human nature….
I got confirmed in my job have been assigned to a new unit where had and still have so many challenges
Sadness ….
Learn so many bad news about my dear ones…especially when you witness the downfall of people you thought you knew…

So for 2012 the do items on the resolution list will be:
- Do my MBA
- Find another job & quit for good the banking sector
- Be more confident & extrovert
- More time for my dear ones

I also pray that in 2012 the world become a better place to live…less war…less violence…less hatred…
less selfishness
On this I wish you and your dearest ones a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2012

Christmas…Season of Joy to the World

>> Saturday, December 24, 2011

Helloooo World
The Christmas festive season is finally here
Season of gaiety, laughter & cheerful memories
Season of tenderness, love, selflessness & goodness
Season of friendship & relations
May you & your close ones be blessed and be happy on this joyful occasion
Merry Christmas my friend

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