The Telenovela Epidemy

>> Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Hello World!
Luz Clarita, Marimar, Sublime Mensonge, Secret de Famille…..
All are these are Telenovela… the Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi or Amour Gloire et Beauté or Feu de L’Amour Mexican or Brazilian soap operas...
In Mauritius, we have only Mexican and Brazilian telenovelas but according to Wikipedia, the genre can also be found in Argentina, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Germany, Indonesia, The Philippines, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Russia, United States ..
What is a telenovela?
A telenovela (also spelled telenovella) is a limited-run television serial melodrama popular in the Americas, comprising a great part of its production budget. The word combines tele, short for television, and novela, a word that Latin literary studies associate with medium-span romances. Telenovelas are essentially soap operas in miniseries format. The telenovela combines ancient melodrama with the 19th century feuilleton and the Latin American radionovela. The telenovela is the most-watched genre of television program in the world, with at least two billion viewers worldwide. The medium has been used repeatedly to transmit sociocultural messages by incorporating them into storylines

Why I like telenovela:
1. Plot
2. Actors and Actresses
3. The morale of the story – the everlasting fight of good v/s bad
Like Indian TV serials, telenovelas insert morale values within their story and sometimes these films stereotypes tend to have such prejudices e.g whenever I think of Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi I thought of the war between mother-in-law v/s daughter-in-law, Amour Gloire et Beauté or Feu de L’Amour ou Feu de L’ Amour, with whom is in love Brooke? Is Nicolas and Sharonne still having couple problem blablabla...
The original plot of most telenovelas is the actress originating from the popular class falling in love with the handsome and rich actor... then either the actor is already engaged to another woman (who will be the story bitch LOL) and sometimes the other characters (mother-in-law, father, servants etc) will either help the actor or actress to get together or will be adding obstacle etc....of course the end will be the usual happing ending either with the s0-waited marriage or reconciliation and a small preview of the love birds with their 3-4 kids (time to apply family planning in serials???)
But Rubi (the scandalous film partner of Hrithik Roshan ) was somehow very different...first time the main character was so bad LOL (well time for a change LOL) but even her ankle was cut and her face was disfigured, well it still end so stupidly with the stupid niece who replaced her hmmm
Plots might roam with the same story angle but do have some different story twists... in shade of the sin or au Coeur du Peché or Barbarita, story talks also about racism the white v/s black class .... Roman de La Vie or Paginas de La Vida (one of the best telenovelas I watched) was about the different problems people usually faced in life: Aids, adultery etc
And the upmost reason why I prefer telenovelas to Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi or Amour Gloire et Beauté or Feu de L’Amour
Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi –
  1. characters don’t die suddenly and then re-appear with always the same excuse of having a chirurgical intervention (OK for the new face) but the body composure???wow the old tulsi was kinda a giant compared to the frail one that is supposedly tulsi who afterwards will be known to be having amnesia ....
  2. too too much fiction
  3. long plot
  4. story plot never interlinked or have some consistency - where is Hemant? What happen to Bhoomy so-called pregnancy (well am still waiting for the answer hmmm)
  5. downsized the image of the career woman – women in this serial always parading in saris and if they decide to work (see Ganga fate)
p.s: have stopped watching this serial when I watched the last episode and read reviews not worth following this serial
Amour Gloire et Beauté –
Brooke Logan – the so well-known Forrester family - she had and is continued loving so many guys have stopped counting hmm LOL… from the father to the brothers…. Even once Stephanie Forrester said it once in the serial LOL
The very best – Taylor ghost appearing once to Brooke and miraculously (after so many many episodes) they found later that she wasn’t dead but alived = where is the connection and story flow hmmm?
Actual telenovelas am watching:
Amarte Así (Frijolito)
Amarte asi Frijolito 1024 Fondo PC2
"Amarte Así Frijolito" raconte une histoire d'amour à travers les yeux d'un enfant de 6 ans; Frijolito; un
jeune garçon très attachant qui sème l'amour & la joie de vivre autour de lui. Cette télénovela raconte
l'histoire de Margarita (une chanteuse de mariachi) et de Ignacio (un jeune médecin). Il y a de 6 ans de
cela Ignacio était tombé amoureuse de Margarita mais celle-ci pense que ce dernier la violée car elle ne se souvient plus de rien. Mais depuis cette époque, la vie de Margarita n'a plus été la même car un enfant est né et cet enfant n'est autre que; Frijolito. 6 ans plutard, Ignacio revient dans son village travaillait en tant que médecin, Margarita le reconnait mais celui-ci ne semble se souvenir de rien. Il se lie très vite d'amitié avec le jeune Frijolito qui ne se doute pas que celui-ci puisque être son père car depuis toujours sa mère affirme qu'il est mort. Il tombe aussi amoureux de Margarita mais celle-ci lutte pour ne pas tomber amoureuse d'Ignacio.
Paloma est une jeune femme, qui travaille comme ceuilleuse dans un café, mais elle n'asspire pas a suivre cette vie pour toujours, puisque , en lisant des livres et des cahiers, en s'imaginant plusieurs fois le jour que l'homme idéal arrivera à elle.
A la mort du grand patriarche du café, Don Lorenzo, ses héritiers se réunissent dans la "Casa Blanca", où la Paloma rencontrera Jacques, qui est le petit - fils de Don Lorenzo Jacques, et seulement il espère terminer ses études pour pouvoir se charger de la "Maison Blanche".
Quand la destination se chargera de rapprocher Jacques et Colombe, les deux croiront avoir trouvé l'amour idéal, mais ils devrons sauter tous les obstacles qu'un nom de famille comme celui-là de Jacques Sanchez Zambrano peut amener, puisque chez sa famille l'avarice existe car par n'importe qu'elle moyens ils veulent atteindre leur objectif : la propriété de "Casa Blanca" Paloma et Jacques savent que l'espérance unique de subsister, est dans son amour.
In the shade of sin or Au Coeur du Peche
Already watched it...nice telenovela...full of ups and downs...gonna have a good laugh...main plot – what people can do for the love of money
La Fille du Jardiner
Hopefully this will be ending soon
Favorites telenovelas are:
  • Marimar
  • Sublime Mensonge
  • Secret de Famille
  • Le Chacala
  • Femme de sable
  • Frijolito
  • Roman de La Vie
  • Rubi
  • Marina
  • Les deux visages D’Anna
Many blogs have been created for telenovelas and thanks to those bloggers for uploading those reviews and for sharing them


Azra October 23, 2009 at 2:32 PM  

I remember my mom watching amour gloire et beaute religiously every day at 12 on RFO(now tele reunion) I was only about 8 or 9 then! I cant believe this is still going on..
as for tulsi it gets only worse plot all the time..the focus of the story changes, this is why its better u stick to your telenovelas who have an ending and a sense and somewhere alongthe lineit doesnt divert from the initial plot...good writing i like it...

Gaia Eos October 23, 2009 at 10:35 PM  

thanks... yeah till now amour gloire et beaute is till running and think its getting worse....I have stopped watching Tulsi... telenovelas are better...hopefully they will remain that way

Rups January 11, 2012 at 11:07 AM  

One telenovela which i really appreciated was Mis3Hermanas. Totally worth watching! :)

Grace Guya May 16, 2018 at 2:07 AM  

I recently found your blog. Here is to a lot of browsing. Is the blog still active have you changed site? Created a new one?
I am currently writing my cybernovela ( web telenovela) Hernan and Gabriela, based on the brothers Grimm fairytale, Hansel and Gretel, on my blog,, and I am just reading to see what other writers do.

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